Eva Gonzalez Suarez

Eva Gonzalez Suarez
Eva Gonzalez Suarez is Principal Investigator of the Transformation and Metastasis Group at the Bellvitge Institute for Biomedical Research in Barcelona, Spain. She obtained her Master degree in Biochemistry in the University of Oviedo (1998) and her PhD in Molecular Biology at the Autonoma University of Madrid, Spain (2003). During her Doctoral Thesis in M Blasco laboratory (National Center of Biotechnology/CSIC, Madrid, Spain), she made important contributions clarifying the role of telomerase in cancer and aging. Subsequently, Dr Gonzalez Suarez joined Amgen Inc, Seattle, USA, as a postgraduate fellow before assuming her current role in 2008. Her research focuses on the mechanisms leading to cell transformation, the metastatic capabilities of epithelial cells, and the identification of novel therapies and resistance mechanisms. She has made important contributions to the field of mammary gland development and breast cancer research, highlighting the key role of RANK signalling pathway and its potential as therapeutic target. Research in her laboratory exploits primary cell cultures, organoids, genetic mouse models, patient derived xenografts and clinical samples. She is a member of the European Network of Breast Development and Cancer committee; she has been awarded multiple national and international competitive projects including the prestigious Susan G Komen career catalyst grant and an ERC Consolidator grant. She is a frequently invited speaker in national and international congresses and coordinates a clinical trial with RANKL inhibitors in breast cancer patients. She has supervised nine PhD students, five postdoctoral scientists, several technicians and master students. She has authored over 35 articles published in international peer-reviewed journals including Nature, Nature Genetics, EMBO J, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Cancer Research, Stem Cells, Stem Cell Reports and she is a reviewer for several international journals and research agencies.