Núria Sánchez Coll

Núria Sánchez Coll
Núria Sànchez Coll obtained her PhD degree at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH-Zürich) in 2006 under Dr. Klaus Apel direction. Her work focused on the signalling pathways leading to programmed cell death in response to reactive oxygen species. She then joined the lab of Dr. Jeff Dangl at the University of North Carolina with a Swiss National Research Foundation fellowship to study the mechanisms driving programmed cell death during plant immune reactions to pathogens. Since 2012 she is the co-group leader of the team “Bacterial plant diseases and cell death” at the Centre of Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) in Barcelona. She has been awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship and Career Integration Grant, a Beatriu de Pinós fellowship and she is currently a Ramon y Cajal fellow. She has recently obtained research awards from the Spanish Association of Scientists and from the Catalan Society of Biology. Her team is currently investigating the multilayered plant defense mechanisms against against vascular pathogens and also the spatio-temporal regulation of pathogen-triggered immune cell death.