Maria J. Vicent
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Maria J. Vicent
Dr. María J. Vicent received her Ph.D. degree in 2001 in chemistry on solid supports from University Jaume I after several scientific stays in Prof. Fréchet’s lab. at University California, Berkeley (USA). Then, she moved to more biomedically oriented research, initially with a Spanish company Instituto Biomar SA., and subsequently at the Centre for Polymer Therapeutics with Prof. R. Duncan after the award of a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2002. In 2004, María joined Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF) as research associate through a Marie Curie Reintegration contract and was promoted to her current position, head of Polymer Therapeutics Laboratory at CIPF, in 2006. Currently she is also the responsible of the Screening Platform and the Advance Therapies Program Coordinator at CIPF. She also coordinates the Valencian Community Strategy on Innovative and Precision Medicine.
Her research group focused on the development of novel nanopharmaceuticals, in particular Polymer Therapeutics, for different therapeutic anddiagnostic applications and has been funded by national and European grants (several acting as coordinator including a recently awarded ERC Consolidator grant-MyNano). María co-authored >80 peer reviewed papers and 7 patents, 2 of them licensed to the pharmaceutical industry and a third one used as foundation of the spin off company ‘Polypeptide Therapeutic Solutions SL’ in 2012.