Luk Zelderloo
Luk Zelderloo
Mr. Luk Zelderloo, EASPD Secretary General, has been professionally active in the disability sector for more than 32 years. Mr Zelderloo holds Master degrees in Management and Social Science and Philosophy. For more than 15 years he was active as manager of a social service for persons with disabilities in Flanders. For the last 20 years, he has been active at European level, gathering early intelligence on EU policies and laws on disability and social services sector, advocating and having an active role in European and international bodies, organisations and fora related with the EU decision-making process. Furthermore, he has an extensive knowledge of managing and successfully delivering EU funded projects.
Mr Zelderloo has extensive experience on deinstitutionalisation and community-based care: he developed capacity building trainings on these issues for managers and civil servants and he contributed to the drafting of the Common European Guidelines on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care. He is Co-chair of the European Expert Group on transition from institutional to community based-care and he is member of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Structured Dialogue.