Advanced cell therapies and regenerative medicine, the promise of the 21st century
B·Debate and the Banc de Sang i Teixits bring together some thirty experts to debate the challenges and opportunities available in this field

Scientific progress in cell therapy and regenerative medicine will have an enormous impact on medical, social and economic development over the coming years. Evolution in both of these areas of science is closely tied to how they are understood and applied, as it is to the potential of knowledge regarding stem cells, how they are regulated and environmental factors that affect differentiation.
The new era of gene therapy and regenerative medicine has already begun and will continue to help create a new wide-reaching paradigm: treating and curing certain diseases using cells, tissues, molecules and other biological components with the aim of restoring the shape, functions and properties of damaged tissues or even organs.
Many aspects are decisive in this area of medicine, necessitating a debate based on knowledge and experience. In order to debate these issues and build a comprehensive view of these areas, B·Debate –an initiative of Biocat and the "la Caixa" Foundation– and the Banc de Sang i Teixits are holding an event entitled Advanced Cellular Therapies and Regenerative Medicine. The Promise in the 21st Century.
The debates will include some thirty researchers, experts and specialists from Spain and abroad, who will meet on 17 and 18 February at CosmoCaixa Barcelona to analyze the challenges and opportunities in these areas in the short and middle term and to foster dialog on the potential and limitations of some of the fastest evolving therapies.
This is the last debate of the 2014 B·Debate program. This year’s B·Debate program kicks off on 17 March 2015 with Evolution of Plant Phenotypes. From Genomes to Traits.
Date: 17-18 February 2015
Place: CosmoCaixa Barcelona. c/ Isaac Newton, 26. Barcelona
More information is available on the B·Debate website.
Follow the debate with the hashtag #BDebate or @BDebate.
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