Odile Leroy
Odile Leroy
Trained as a physician, specialised in epidemiology, clinical pharmacology and vaccinology, Dr Odile Leroy has spent most of her carrier in vaccine development, as a scientist in Africa for nine years, as corporate clinical director of airborne vaccines for 10 years at Sanofi Pasteur. She joined EMVI in 2002 as a clinical and regulatory director, and from 2005 to 2006 she lead as executive director of the EDCTP. Since 2009 she is executive director at EVI.
Her main interest is the implementation of best practices in the field of vaccine development against diseases of poverty. In order to maximise concerted European investments, she is coordinating several European vaccine research projects which aim to harmonise and set up rationale decision making criteria. She is also coordinator of the vaccine infrastructure project TRANSVAC. She is member of the Scientific Organising Committee of the Global Immunisation and Vaccine Research Forum co-organised by WHO, NIH, and BMGF.