Frank Miedema

Frank Miedema
Frank Miedema studied biochemistry at the University of Groningen, specializing in immunology, with a minor in Philosophy of Science. He obtained a PhD from the University of Amsterdam at the Central Laboratory of the Blood Transfusion Service (CLB), now Sanquin. There, from 1983 he was project leader immunovirology of HIV/AIDS as part of the Amsterdam Cohort Studies. In 1996 he was appointed full professor at AMC/University of Amsterdam and became Director of Sanquin Research in 1998. In 2004 he became head of the Immunology department at the University Medical Center Utrecht. From 2009 he is dean and vice chairman of the Executive Board at the University Medical Center Utrecht.
He is one of the initiators of Science in Transition believes that the scientific incentive and reward system is in need of fundamental reform. Next to Science for Science (articles in ‘high impact’ journals), the added value for society needs more appreciation and societal stakeholders should be involved more integrally in the production of knowledge.