Itziar de Lecuona

Itziar de Lecuona
Itziar de Lecuona, PhD, Barcelona (1976)
Assistant Director of the Bioethics and Law Observator-UNESCO Chair in Bioethics
Lecturer at the School of Medicine
Member of the Bioethics Committee of Catalonia, of the Research Ethics Committee at Hospital Clínic and at the University of Barcelona
Member of the ELSI Board of EITHealth and Big Data Coe Barcelona
Her lines of research are: bioethics and human rights, ethical legal and social issues of research with human beings, responsible research and innovation in healthcare, big data and mHealth research and innovation and research integrity
Codirector of the Master in Food, Law and Ethics and member of the coordination of the Master in Bioethics and Law both at the University of Barcelona. Member of the Doctoral Programa on Law and Political Science of the University of Barcelona and "Law Science and Technology" Erasmus Mundus Doctorate, Coordinated by the University of Barcelona
She is currently researcher at NESTORE research project (HORIZON 2020) and has been researcher at ARBIOLAW, NANOBIOLAW, BODYBIOLAW, ADNBIOLAW research projects granted by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Member of the Consolidated Group "Bioethics, Law and Society" granted by the Government of Catalonia
She has been visiting researcher of UNESCO Bioethics program,CIRSFID at the University of Bologna and Instituto de Salud Carlos III, National Epidemiology Center (Madrid).